il cielo sito astro fotografico astronomia conoscenza bellezza.mistero - di Claudio Balella

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Eventi Almanacco

Astrocb Almanacco

I dati dell'almanacco sono riferiti a 44° di latitudine e 12° di longitudine.
Anche se abitate all'estremo nord od all'estremo sud d'Italia i dati
vanno bene, le differenze sono minime.
Le ore degli eventi sono quelle dell'orologio a cui si aggiunge 1 ora
in periodo di ora legale.

Abbreviations used in reports:

AU Astronomical Units
D Degrees
DEC Declination
DIST Distance
DSO December Solstice
E East
FM Full Moon
FQ First Quarter Moon
H Hours
ILLUM FRAC Illuminated Fraction
JSO June Solstice
KM Kilometers
LE Lunar Eclipse
LQ Last Quarter Moon
M Minutes
MEQ March Equinox
MR Moon Rise
MS Moon Set
N North
NM New Moon
RA Right Ascension
S South, Seconds
SE Solar Eclipse
SEQ September Equinox
SR Sunrise
SS Sunset
UT Universal Time
W West
ZHR Zenithal Hourly Rate

Seasons Report for 2016

MEQ: 20/03/2016 5.27 Winter Length: 88,99 days
JSO: 20/06/2016 23.32 Spring Length: 92,75 days
SEQ: 22/09/2016 15.18 Summer Length: 93,66 days
DSO: 21/12/2016 11.41 Autumn Length: 89,85 days

Dates of Easter Report for 2016


Solar Eclipse Report for 2016

Solar eclipse on 09/03/2016
Sun rise: 6.34
Sun set: 18.10
Time of maximum eclipse: 2.59
Eclipse is total
Eclipse is visible in the northern hemisphere

Solar eclipse on 01/09/2016
Sun rise: 5.34
Sun set: 18.47
Time of maximum eclipse: 10.09
Eclipse is annular
Eclipse is visible in the southern hemisphere

The time of maximum eclipse (above) does not necessarily specify when the
eclipse will be maximal when viewed from the specified location.

To see how the eclipse will look at the specified location, run a
Planetarium movie of the eclipse.

Planet View Info Report for 01/01/2016 to 31/12/2016


Date Rise Set RA Dec Elongation Ill Fr DIST(AU)

01/01/2016 9.01 18.13 20h06m25s -21°02'31" 19°18'48" 0,489 0,92062
08/01/2016 8.25 17.54 20h09m32s -18°53'02" 13°23'04" 0,164 0,74965
15/01/2016 7.24 16.55 19h38m16s -18°22'03" 3°15'10" 0,008 0,66742
22/01/2016 6.31 15.55 19h07m46s -19°09'56" 15°43'34" 0,172 0,71533
29/01/2016 6.07 15.24 19h06m09s -20°13'52" 23°06'23" 0,405 0,83126
05/02/2016 6.04 15.15 19h26m38s -20°52'40" 25°27'05" 0,577 0,95662
12/02/2016 6.08 15.22 19h58m53s -20°43'33" 25°04'20" 0,694 1,06963
19/02/2016 6.13 15.39 20h37m12s -19°36'25" 23°09'11" 0,775 1,16530
26/02/2016 6.17 16.03 21h18m47s -17°27'26" 20°10'55" 0,839 1,24341
04/03/2016 6.19 16.34 22h02m23s -14°15'35" 16°19'03" 0,892 1,30394
11/03/2016 6.19 17.09 22h47m34s -10°01'22" 11°33'38" 0,941 1,34505
18/03/2016 6.17 17.51 23h34m32s -4°47'08" 5°52'13" 0,982 1,36112
25/03/2016 6.15 18.37 0h23m42s 1°19'17" 1°38'42" 0,998 1,34042
01/04/2016 6.12 19.27 1h14m41s 7°53'34" 8°31'14" 0,941 1,26564
08/04/2016 6.09 20.14 2h04m15s 14°00'43" 15°13'33" 0,763 1,12882
15/04/2016 6.02 20.46 2h45m47s 18°32'51" 19°20'41" 0,512 0,95455
22/04/2016 5.50 20.53 3h12m56s 20°53'55" 19°22'07" 0,281 0,78579
29/04/2016 5.31 20.32 3h22m17s 20°59'09" 14°40'33" 0,109 0,65344
06/05/2016 5.06 19.46 3h15m17s 19°01'53" 5°40'35" 0,013 0,57434
13/05/2016 4.38 18.50 3h00m59s 15°59'49" 5°22'52" 0,011 0,55542
20/05/2016 4.12 18.05 2h51m49s 13°34'04" 15°05'18" 0,087 0,59181
27/05/2016 3.51 17.40 2h54m50s 12°51'57" 21°21'41" 0,202 0,67033
03/06/2016 3.35 17.34 3h10m49s 13°55'22" 24°00'42" 0,331 0,77813
10/06/2016 3.25 17.46 3h38m33s 16°14'56" 23°33'48" 0,470 0,90611
17/06/2016 3.23 18.13 4h17m32s 19°13'46" 20°27'14" 0,628 1,04574
24/06/2016 3.32 18.51 5h08m10s 22°07'28" 14°55'43" 0,803 1,18209
01/07/2016 3.56 19.35 6h09m33s 23°56'53" 7°25'52" 0,952 1,28713
08/07/2016 4.36 20.11 7h15m55s 23°46'12" 1°48'26" 0,997 1,33089
15/07/2016 5.24 20.33 8h18m39s 21°29'29" 9°12'14" 0,942 1,31127
22/07/2016 6.08 20.41 9h13m09s 17°46'40" 15°47'03" 0,851 1,25048
29/07/2016 6.46 20.38 9h59m08s 13°20'53" 20°56'47" 0,759 1,16862
05/08/2016 7.16 20.29 10h37m35s 8°43'09" 24°41'24" 0,671 1,07617
12/08/2016 7.37 20.15 11h09m06s 4°16'31" 26°55'34" 0,580 0,97767
19/08/2016 7.49 19.55 11h33m09s 0°23'19" 27°19'32" 0,475 0,87581
26/08/2016 7.46 19.31 11h47m39s -2°26'34" 25°10'17" 0,346 0,77505
02/09/2016 7.22 19.00 11h48m41s -3°25'57" 19°16'32" 0,188 0,68674
09/09/2016 6.32 18.24 11h33m30s -1°38'04" 8°50'02" 0,041 0,63714
16/09/2016 5.26 17.51 11h10m54s 2°30'05" 6°21'14" 0,026 0,66739
23/09/2016 4.40 17.30 11h03m49s 5°41'48" 15°31'47" 0,234 0,79791
30/09/2016 4.34 17.22 11h23m34s 5°22'31" 17°47'30" 0,558 0,98941
07/10/2016 4.58 17.19 12h01m07s 1°58'41" 14°48'38" 0,814 1,17201
14/10/2016 5.33 17.16 12h44m37s -2°52'11" 9°51'27" 0,942 1,30574
21/10/2016 6.10 17.12 13h28m42s -7°59'12" 4°42'27" 0,990 1,38873
28/10/2016 6.46 17.08 14h12m22s -12°48'24" 0°31'27" 1,000 1,43091
04/11/2016 7.20 17.06 14h55m56s -17°04'17" 4°32'58" 0,993 1,44044
11/11/2016 7.53 17.06 15h39m58s -20°37'52" 8°33'32" 0,974 1,42174
18/11/2016 8.24 17.10 16h24m46s -23°21'41" 12°16'48" 0,945 1,37614
25/11/2016 8.50 17.19 17h10m04s -25°08'07" 15°42'44" 0,898 1,30242
02/12/2016 9.11 17.33 17h54m35s -25°49'41" 18°41'31" 0,820 1,19749
09/12/2016 9.20 17.48 18h34m44s -25°22'27" 20°36'41" 0,683 1,05850
16/12/2016 9.11 17.53 19h01m59s -23°55'15" 19°43'09" 0,447 0,89108
23/12/2016 8.31 17.30 19h00m13s -22°03'33" 12°21'39" 0,133 0,73377
30/12/2016 7.21 16.32 18h24m48s -20°35'37" 3°58'43" 0,012 0,67497


Date Rise Set RA Dec Elongation Ill Fr DIST(AU)

01/01/2016 4.46 14.19 16h01m34s -18°36'53" 37°58'02" 0,771 1,16631
08/01/2016 5.02 14.19 16h37m01s -20°16'55" 36°34'32" 0,791 1,21010
15/01/2016 5.16 14.22 17h13m17s -21°30'29" 35°08'37" 0,810 1,25242
22/01/2016 5.29 14.28 17h50m11s -22°14'27" 33°40'29" 0,828 1,29330
29/01/2016 5.40 14.37 18h27m26s -22°26'47" 32°10'21" 0,845 1,33274
05/02/2016 5.48 14.49 19h04m44s -22°06'29" 30°38'33" 0,860 1,37067
12/02/2016 5.53 15.02 19h41m47s -21°13'51" 29°05'21" 0,875 1,40700
19/02/2016 5.55 15.18 20h18m17s -19°50'23" 27°30'41" 0,889 1,44175
26/02/2016 5.55 15.35 20h54m03s -17°58'32" 25°54'33" 0,902 1,47495
04/03/2016 5.52 15.53 21h28m59s -15°41'29" 24°17'03" 0,914 1,50655
11/03/2016 5.47 16.10 22h03m03s -13°02'57" 22°38'17" 0,925 1,53642
18/03/2016 5.40 16.28 22h36m19s -10°06'56" 20°58'08" 0,936 1,56453
25/03/2016 5.33 16.46 23h08m55s -6°57'32" 19°16'28" 0,946 1,59087
01/04/2016 5.24 17.04 23h41m01s -3°38'46" 17°33'22" 0,955 1,61538
08/04/2016 5.15 17.21 0h12m50s -0°14'39" 15°48'55" 0,963 1,63791
15/04/2016 5.06 17.39 0h44m34s 3°10'42" 14°03'00" 0,971 1,65832
22/04/2016 4.56 17.57 1h16m27s 6°33'16" 12°15'34" 0,978 1,67659
29/04/2016 4.48 18.15 1h48m43s 9°49'04" 10°26'41" 0,984 1,69264
06/05/2016 4.40 18.33 2h21m35s 12°54'01" 8°36'31" 0,989 1,70631
13/05/2016 4.34 18.51 2h55m11s 15°43'55" 6°45'05" 0,993 1,71743
20/05/2016 4.30 19.09 3h29m38s 18°14'34" 4°52'24" 0,996 1,72595
27/05/2016 4.27 19.27 4h05m00s 20°21'55" 2°58'37" 0,999 1,73184
03/06/2016 4.28 19.44 4h41m14s 22°02'12" 1°04'00" 1,000 1,73498
10/06/2016 4.31 19.59 5h18m12s 23°12'07" 0°51'19" 1,000 1,73524
17/06/2016 4.38 20.12 5h55m38s 23°49'09" 2°47'16" 0,999 1,73260
24/06/2016 4.48 20.22 6h33m16s 23°51'50" 4°43'36" 0,997 1,72709
01/07/2016 5.01 20.28 7h10m45s 23°19'55" 6°40'00" 0,993 1,71873
08/07/2016 5.16 20.32 7h47m48s 22°14'18" 8°36'16" 0,989 1,70747
15/07/2016 5.33 20.32 8h24m06s 20°37'05" 10°32'18" 0,983 1,69333
22/07/2016 5.50 20.30 8h59m31s 18°31'13" 12°27'52" 0,976 1,67645
29/07/2016 6.09 20.25 9h33m59s 16°00'16" 14°22'37" 0,968 1,65696
05/08/2016 6.27 20.18 10h07m29s 13°08'07" 16°16'21" 0,959 1,63489
12/08/2016 6.45 20.10 10h40m09s 9°58'58" 18°09'00" 0,949 1,61033
19/08/2016 7.04 20.00 11h12m06s 6°36'59" 20°00'23" 0,939 1,58346
26/08/2016 7.21 19.50 11h43m33s 3°06'16" 21°50'12" 0,927 1,55446
02/09/2016 7.39 19.40 12h14m45s -0°29'09" 23°38'17" 0,914 1,52343
09/09/2016 7.57 19.29 12h45m54s -4°05'12" 25°24'37" 0,901 1,49045
16/09/2016 8.15 19.19 13h17m15s -7°37'43" 27°09'04" 0,887 1,45566
23/09/2016 8.33 19.09 13h49m03s -11°02'37" 28°51'24" 0,872 1,41927
30/09/2016 8.51 19.01 14h21m29s -14°15'41" 30°31'24" 0,857 1,38136
07/10/2016 9.10 18.54 14h54m44s -17°12'37" 32°09'03" 0,841 1,34199
14/10/2016 9.28 18.49 15h28m54s -19°49'00" 33°44'17" 0,824 1,30122
21/10/2016 9.46 18.46 16h04m00s -22°00'35" 35°16'43" 0,807 1,25922
28/10/2016 10.03 18.46 16h39m58s -23°43'27" 36°46'05" 0,789 1,21609
04/11/2016 10.18 18.49 17h16m37s -24°54'15" 38°12'13" 0,769 1,17181
11/11/2016 10.31 18.56 17h53m39s -25°30'32" 39°34'53" 0,750 1,12641
18/11/2016 10.40 19.06 18h30m39s -25°31'04" 40°53'29" 0,729 1,08002
25/11/2016 10.46 19.18 19h07m14s -24°55'58" 42°07'21" 0,707 1,03272
02/12/2016 10.48 19.32 19h43m01s -23°46'40" 43°16'00" 0,684 0,98453
09/12/2016 10.46 19.48 20h17m39s -22°05'51" 44°18'39" 0,659 0,93546
16/12/2016 10.41 20.04 20h50m52s -19°57'12" 45°14'05" 0,633 0,88560
23/12/2016 10.33 20.20 21h22m31s -17°24'55" 46°00'43" 0,605 0,83511
30/12/2016 10.23 20.34 21h52m32s -14°33'32" 46°36'58" 0,575 0,78407


Date Rise Set RA Dec Elongation Ill Fr DIST(AU)

01/01/2016 1.54 12.43 13h48m19s -9°33'33" 71°26'08" 0,913 1,68387
08/01/2016 1.46 12.25 14h03m00s -10°54'01" 74°42'55" 0,910 1,61500
15/01/2016 1.39 12.06 14h17m31s -12°10'07" 78°04'23" 0,906 1,54496
22/01/2016 1.30 11.48 14h31m49s -13°21'33" 81°30'45" 0,903 1,47411
29/01/2016 1.21 11.30 14h45m52s -14°28'07" 85°02'28" 0,901 1,40271
05/02/2016 1.12 11.12 14h59m36s -15°29'35" 88°40'32" 0,899 1,33099
12/02/2016 1.02 10.53 15h12m54s -16°25'47" 92°26'04" 0,898 1,25927
19/02/2016 0.51 10.35 15h25m41s -17°16'40" 96°19'54" 0,899 1,18796
26/02/2016 0.39 10.16 15h37m50s -18°02'21" 100°23'14" 0,900 1,11742
04/03/2016 0.26 9.57 15h49m12s -18°42'56" 104°38'02" 0,902 1,04793
11/03/2016 0.11 9.37 15h59m35s -19°18'36" 109°06'45" 0,906 0,97990
18/03/2016 23.53 9.16 16h08m48s -19°49'41" 113°51'37" 0,911 0,91389
25/03/2016 23.35 8.54 16h16m37s -20°16'37" 118°55'12" 0,918 0,85038
01/04/2016 23.15 8.31 16h22m47s -20°39'47" 124°21'08" 0,927 0,78986
08/04/2016 22.53 8.06 16h27m00s -20°59'30" 130°13'38" 0,937 0,73295
15/04/2016 22.28 7.39 16h28m57s -21°16'01" 136°36'18" 0,949 0,68048
22/04/2016 22.01 7.09 16h28m25s -21°29'24" 143°31'54" 0,962 0,63325
29/04/2016 21.31 6.38 16h25m15s -21°39'18" 151°02'42" 0,975 0,59206
06/05/2016 20.58 6.04 16h19m27s -21°45'03" 159°09'02" 0,986 0,55782
13/05/2016 20.22 5.28 16h11m17s -21°45'54" 167°46'05" 0,995 0,53147
20/05/2016 19.44 4.51 16h01m26s -21°41'36" 176°37'39" 1,000 0,51362
27/05/2016 19.05 4.14 15h50m51s -21°32'45" 173°53'06" 0,999 0,50450
03/06/2016 18.27 3.37 15h40m34s -21°21'05" 164°51'27" 0,992 0,50401
10/06/2016 17.50 3.02 15h31m39s -21°09'31" 156°06'35" 0,981 0,51167
17/06/2016 17.15 2.28 15h24m59s -21°01'21" 147°53'17" 0,966 0,52650
24/06/2016 16.44 1.57 15h21m00s -20°59'05" 140°18'27" 0,949 0,54732
01/07/2016 16.16 1.28 15h19m50s -21°04'08" 133°24'03" 0,932 0,57305
08/07/2016 15.51 1.01 15h21m30s -21°16'58" 127°09'47" 0,916 0,60270
15/07/2016 15.30 0.36 15h25m51s -21°37'10" 121°33'29" 0,902 0,63530
22/07/2016 15.11 0.13 15h32m36s -22°03'29" 116°30'58" 0,889 0,67004
29/07/2016 14.56 23.49 15h41m30s -22°34'15" 111°57'40" 0,878 0,70639
05/08/2016 14.42 23.30 15h52m21s -23°07'49" 107°49'56" 0,869 0,74396
12/08/2016 14.30 23.12 16h04m57s -23°42'25" 104°04'40" 0,862 0,78235
19/08/2016 14.19 22.56 16h19m06s -24°16'11" 100°38'35" 0,856 0,82127
26/08/2016 14.10 22.42 16h34m37s -24°47'19" 97°28'27" 0,852 0,86060
02/09/2016 14.02 22.29 16h51m22s -25°14'11" 94°32'02" 0,849 0,90029
09/09/2016 13.54 22.17 17h09m12s -25°35'15" 91°47'42" 0,847 0,94024
16/09/2016 13.46 22.07 17h27m59s -25°49'06" 89°13'40" 0,847 0,98035
23/09/2016 13.39 21.59 17h47m33s -25°54'27" 86°48'03" 0,847 1,02068
30/09/2016 13.31 21.52 18h07m47s -25°50'16" 84°29'28" 0,848 1,06131
07/10/2016 13.23 21.47 18h28m33s -25°35'43" 82°17'08" 0,850 1,10223
14/10/2016 13.14 21.43 18h49m43s -25°10'12" 80°10'08" 0,852 1,14341
21/10/2016 13.05 21.40 19h11m08s -24°33'25" 78°07'16" 0,855 1,18494
28/10/2016 12.54 21.38 19h32m41s -23°45'15" 76°07'37" 0,858 1,22693
04/11/2016 12.43 21.37 19h54m15s -22°45'50" 74°10'45" 0,862 1,26940
11/11/2016 12.31 21.37 20h15m46s -21°35'33" 72°16'15" 0,866 1,31231
18/11/2016 12.19 21.37 20h37m08s -20°15'01" 70°23'22" 0,870 1,35570
25/11/2016 12.05 21.38 20h58m17s -18°44'57" 68°31'28" 0,874 1,39968
02/12/2016 11.51 21.39 21h19m12s -17°06'11" 66°40'18" 0,879 1,44422
09/12/2016 11.36 21.40 21h39m50s -15°19'40" 64°49'46" 0,884 1,48924
16/12/2016 11.21 21.40 22h00m12s -13°26'29" 62°59'28" 0,889 1,53473
23/12/2016 11.05 21.41 22h20m16s -11°27'42" 61°08'58" 0,894 1,58072
30/12/2016 10.49 21.42 22h40m05s -9°24'21" 59°18'08" 0,900 1,62717


Date Rise Set RA Dec Elongation Ill Fr DIST(AU)

01/01/2016 22.46 11.24 11h36m44s 3°51'50" 106°51'26" 0,992 5,04683
08/01/2016 22.18 10.57 11h37m05s 3°51'41" 113°54'32" 0,993 4,94204
15/01/2016 21.50 10.30 11h36m52s 3°55'16" 121°07'03" 0,994 4,84285
22/01/2016 21.21 10.02 11h36m04s 4°02'32" 128°28'25" 0,995 4,75101
29/01/2016 20.52 9.33 11h34m42s 4°13'17" 135°58'07" 0,996 4,66812
05/02/2016 20.21 9.05 11h32m48s 4°27'16" 143°35'39" 0,997 4,59572
12/02/2016 19.50 8.36 11h30m26s 4°44'05" 151°19'49" 0,998 4,53532
19/02/2016 19.19 8.07 11h27m41s 5°03'11" 159°08'43" 0,999 4,48823
26/02/2016 18.47 7.38 11h24m36s 5°23'54" 166°59'59" 1,000 4,45535
04/03/2016 18.15 7.09 11h21m20s 5°45'33" 174°47'17" 1,000 4,43733
11/03/2016 17.42 6.39 11h17m58s 6°07'23" 176°43'52" 1,000 4,43462
18/03/2016 17.10 6.10 11h14m38s 6°28'34" 169°06'19" 1,000 4,44723
25/03/2016 16.38 5.40 11h11m27s 6°48'25" 161°20'38" 0,999 4,47472
01/04/2016 16.06 5.11 11h08m31s 7°06'17" 153°39'19" 0,998 4,51638
08/04/2016 15.35 4.42 11h05m56s 7°21'38" 146°04'47" 0,997 4,57134
15/04/2016 15.05 4.13 11h03m47s 7°34'01" 138°38'46" 0,996 4,63840
22/04/2016 14.35 3.45 11h02m07s 7°43'09" 131°22'26" 0,995 4,71610
29/04/2016 14.06 3.16 11h00m58s 7°48'52" 124°16'04" 0,994 4,80295
06/05/2016 13.38 2.48 11h00m23s 7°51'05" 117°19'49" 0,993 4,89748
13/05/2016 13.11 2.21 11h00m20s 7°49'46" 110°33'52" 0,992 4,99812
20/05/2016 12.44 1.53 11h00m51s 7°45'01" 103°58'16" 0,992 5,10323
27/05/2016 12.18 1.26 11h01m54s 7°36'58" 97°32'24" 0,991 5,21131
03/06/2016 11.53 1.00 11h03m28s 7°25'45" 91°15'33" 0,991 5,32105
10/06/2016 11.28 0.33 11h05m31s 7°11'32" 85°07'15" 0,991 5,43105
17/06/2016 11.05 0.07 11h08m01s 6°54'30" 79°07'04" 0,992 5,53996
24/06/2016 10.41 23.37 11h10m56s 6°34'52" 73°14'12" 0,992 5,64664
01/07/2016 10.19 23.12 11h14m14s 6°12'51" 67°27'40" 0,992 5,75010
08/07/2016 9.56 22.46 11h17m53s 5°48'36" 61°46'50" 0,993 5,84930
15/07/2016 9.34 22.21 11h21m51s 5°22'21" 56°11'12" 0,994 5,94325
22/07/2016 9.13 21.56 11h26m06s 4°54'18" 50°40'05" 0,995 6,03117
29/07/2016 8.52 21.31 11h30m36s 4°24'37" 45°12'33" 0,996 6,11237
05/08/2016 8.31 21.06 11h35m20s 3°53'29" 39°47'57" 0,996 6,18615
12/08/2016 8.11 20.41 11h40m15s 3°21'07" 34°25'51" 0,997 6,25183
19/08/2016 7.50 20.17 11h45m20s 2°47'41" 29°05'45" 0,998 6,30890
26/08/2016 7.30 19.52 11h50m33s 2°13'23" 23°46'54" 0,999 6,35698
02/09/2016 7.10 19.28 11h55m53s 1°38'23" 18°28'42" 0,999 6,39563
09/09/2016 6.51 19.03 12h01m19s 1°02'51" 13°10'59" 1,000 6,42444
16/09/2016 6.31 18.39 12h06m49s 0°27'01" 7°54'05" 1,000 6,44318
23/09/2016 6.11 18.15 12h12m22s -0°08'58" 2°43'37" 1,000 6,45173
30/09/2016 5.52 17.50 12h17m55s -0°44'56" 3°03'18" 1,000 6,44994
07/10/2016 5.32 17.26 12h23m29s -1°20'39" 8°18'32" 1,000 6,43765
14/10/2016 5.12 17.02 12h29m00s -1°55'56" 13°41'59" 1,000 6,41496
21/10/2016 4.52 16.37 12h34m28s -2°30'37" 19°09'01" 0,999 6,38205
28/10/2016 4.32 16.13 12h39m51s -3°04'28" 24°39'39" 0,999 6,33905
04/11/2016 4.12 15.48 12h45m07s -3°37'20" 30°14'07" 0,998 6,28617
11/11/2016 3.52 15.24 12h50m15s -4°08'57" 35°52'32" 0,997 6,22385
18/11/2016 3.31 14.59 12h55m12s -4°39'09" 41°35'15" 0,996 6,15263
25/11/2016 3.10 14.35 12h59m56s -5°07'44" 47°22'54" 0,996 6,07303
02/12/2016 2.49 14.10 13h04m26s -5°34'29" 53°15'57" 0,995 5,98566
09/12/2016 2.27 13.45 13h08m39s -5°59'11" 59°14'35" 0,994 5,89137
16/12/2016 2.05 13.20 13h12m33s -6°21'37" 65°19'07" 0,993 5,79114
23/12/2016 1.43 12.54 13h16m06s -6°41'38" 71°30'09" 0,993 5,68592
30/12/2016 1.19 12.29 13h19m15s -6°58'59" 77°48'15" 0,992 5,57678


Date Rise Set RA Dec Elongation Ill Fr DIST(AU)

01/01/2016 5.32 14.46 16h39m10s -20°29'00" 28°55'01" 0,999 10,88004
08/01/2016 5.08 14.21 16h42m19s -20°34'48" 35°18'01" 0,999 10,81795
15/01/2016 4.43 13.56 16h45m19s -20°40'00" 41°43'19" 0,999 10,74517
22/01/2016 4.19 13.31 16h48m08s -20°44'35" 48°10'48" 0,999 10,66263
29/01/2016 3.55 13.06 16h50m45s -20°48'33" 54°40'39" 0,998 10,57135
05/02/2016 3.30 12.40 16h53m07s -20°51'53" 61°13'16" 0,998 10,47239
12/02/2016 3.04 12.14 16h55m15s -20°54'37" 67°48'47" 0,998 10,36695
19/02/2016 2.39 11.49 16h57m05s -20°56'45" 74°27'03" 0,998 10,25646
26/02/2016 2.13 11.22 16h58m38s -20°58'18" 81°08'11" 0,998 10,14239
04/03/2016 1.47 10.56 16h59m51s -20°59'18" 87°52'32" 0,998 10,02621
11/03/2016 1.20 10.29 17h00m44s -20°59'46" 94°40'17" 0,998 9,90947
18/03/2016 0.53 10.02 17h01m17s -20°59'43" 101°31'12" 0,998 9,79390
25/03/2016 0.26 9.35 17h01m29s -20°59'11" 108°25'12" 0,998 9,68118
01/04/2016 23.54 9.07 17h01m20s -20°58'11" 115°22'26" 0,998 9,57289
08/04/2016 23.26 8.40 17h00m50s -20°56'45" 122°22'59" 0,998 9,47064
15/04/2016 22.57 8.11 17h00m01s -20°54'55" 129°26'26" 0,999 9,37610
22/04/2016 22.29 7.43 16h58m53s -20°52'42" 136°32'19" 0,999 9,29075
29/04/2016 21.59 7.14 16h57m29s -20°50'09" 143°40'27" 0,999 9,21588
06/05/2016 21.30 6.45 16h55m49s -20°47'18" 150°50'35" 0,999 9,15269
13/05/2016 21.00 6.16 16h53m58s -20°44'13" 158°01'52" 1,000 9,10231
20/05/2016 20.30 5.47 16h51m56s -20°40'57" 165°12'53" 1,000 9,06556
27/05/2016 20.01 5.17 16h49m48s -20°37'34" 172°20'08" 1,000 9,04296
03/06/2016 19.31 4.48 16h47m37s -20°34'09" 178°10'47" 1,000 9,03487
10/06/2016 19.01 4.19 16h45m26s -20°30'48" 172°46'37" 1,000 9,04149
17/06/2016 18.31 3.49 16h43m17s -20°27'36" 165°42'10" 1,000 9,06266
24/06/2016 18.01 3.20 16h41m15s -20°24'40" 158°35'11" 1,000 9,09789
01/07/2016 17.31 2.51 16h39m22s -20°22'05" 151°29'20" 0,999 9,14660
08/07/2016 17.02 2.22 16h37m41s -20°19'56" 144°25'47" 0,999 9,20803
15/07/2016 16.33 1.53 16h36m15s -20°18'19" 137°25'25" 0,999 9,28111
22/07/2016 16.04 1.24 16h35m04s -20°17'18" 130°28'38" 0,999 9,36458
29/07/2016 15.36 0.56 16h34m11s -20°16'56" 123°35'22" 0,998 9,45717
05/08/2016 15.08 0.28 16h33m36s -20°17'15" 116°45'43" 0,998 9,55754
12/08/2016 14.40 23.56 16h33m21s -20°18'17" 109°59'56" 0,998 9,66415
19/08/2016 14.13 23.28 16h33m26s -20°20'01" 103°18'06" 0,998 9,77538
26/08/2016 13.46 23.01 16h33m51s -20°22'26" 96°39'50" 0,998 9,88973
02/09/2016 13.20 22.34 16h34m36s -20°25'31" 90°04'49" 0,997 10,00571
09/09/2016 12.53 22.07 16h35m40s -20°29'13" 83°33'02" 0,998 10,12173
16/09/2016 12.28 21.41 16h37m03s -20°33'27" 77°04'24" 0,998 10,23620
23/09/2016 12.02 21.15 16h38m44s -20°38'11" 70°38'26" 0,998 10,34775
30/09/2016 11.37 20.49 16h40m42s -20°43'18" 64°14'37" 0,998 10,45506
07/10/2016 11.12 20.23 16h42m56s -20°48'46" 57°52'48" 0,998 10,55672
14/10/2016 10.48 19.58 16h45m24s -20°54'27" 51°32'53" 0,998 10,65148
21/10/2016 10.23 19.32 16h48m05s -21°00'18" 45°14'27" 0,999 10,73826
28/10/2016 9.59 19.07 16h50m58s -21°06'13" 38°56'59" 0,999 10,81608
04/11/2016 9.35 18.42 16h54m02s -21°12'06" 32°40'16" 0,999 10,88396
11/11/2016 9.11 18.17 16h57m14s -21°17'55" 26°24'20" 1,000 10,94103
18/11/2016 8.47 17.53 17h00m34s -21°23'33" 20°08'58" 1,000 10,98671
25/11/2016 8.24 17.28 17h03m59s -21°28'58" 13°54'01" 1,000 11,02048
02/12/2016 8.00 17.04 17h07m29s -21°34'05" 7°40'33" 1,000 11,04186
09/12/2016 7.36 16.39 17h11m01s -21°38'53" 1°49'40" 1,000 11,05052
16/12/2016 7.13 16.15 17h14m33s -21°43'17" 5°10'18" 1,000 11,04644
23/12/2016 6.49 15.51 17h18m04s -21°47'17" 11°23'06" 1,000 11,02965
30/12/2016 6.25 15.26 17h21m33s -21°50'51" 17°41'01" 1,000 11,00024


Date Rise Set RA Dec Elongation Ill Fr DIST(AU)

01/01/2016 12.05 0.59 1h02m04s 5°55'36" 96°34'52" 0,999 19,84055
08/01/2016 11.37 0.32 1h02m16s 5°57'09" 89°30'10" 0,999 19,96083
15/01/2016 11.10 0.05 1h02m38s 5°59'39" 82°28'03" 0,999 20,08100
22/01/2016 10.43 23.35 1h03m09s 6°03'06" 75°28'54" 0,999 20,19920
29/01/2016 10.15 23.08 1h03m48s 6°07'26" 68°32'44" 0,999 20,31376
05/02/2016 9.48 22.42 1h04m36s 6°12'35" 61°39'23" 1,000 20,42313
12/02/2016 9.21 22.16 1h05m31s 6°18'32" 54°48'54" 1,000 20,52575
19/02/2016 8.54 21.49 1h06m34s 6°25'09" 48°01'34" 1,000 20,62014
26/02/2016 8.28 21.24 1h07m43s 6°32'24" 41°17'18" 1,000 20,70513
04/03/2016 8.01 20.58 1h08m57s 6°40'10" 34°35'47" 1,000 20,77971
11/03/2016 7.34 20.32 1h10m16s 6°48'24" 27°56'52" 1,000 20,84288
18/03/2016 7.07 20.07 1h11m39s 6°56'58" 21°20'40" 1,000 20,89382
25/03/2016 6.41 19.41 1h13m05s 7°05'47" 14°47'10" 1,000 20,93204
01/04/2016 6.14 19.16 1h14m34s 7°14'47" 8°16'08" 1,000 20,95717
08/04/2016 5.47 18.50 1h16m03s 7°23'51" 1°50'54" 1,000 20,96891
15/04/2016 5.21 18.25 1h17m33s 7°32'54" 4°45'14" 1,000 20,96713
22/04/2016 4.54 17.59 1h19m02s 7°41'50" 11°10'24" 1,000 20,95201
29/04/2016 4.27 17.34 1h20m30s 7°50'35" 17°35'21" 1,000 20,92384
06/05/2016 4.01 17.08 1h21m55s 7°59'04" 23°59'51" 1,000 20,88295
13/05/2016 3.34 16.43 1h23m18s 8°07'12" 30°23'56" 1,000 20,82985
20/05/2016 3.07 16.17 1h24m36s 8°14'54" 36°47'41" 1,000 20,76531
27/05/2016 2.40 15.51 1h25m50s 8°22'05" 43°11'32" 1,000 20,69018
03/06/2016 2.14 15.25 1h26m59s 8°28'43" 49°36'04" 1,000 20,60533
10/06/2016 1.47 14.59 1h28m01s 8°34'43" 56°01'33" 1,000 20,51179
17/06/2016 1.20 14.33 1h28m57s 8°40'01" 62°28'02" 0,999 20,41081
24/06/2016 0.53 14.06 1h29m45s 8°44'35" 68°55'54" 0,999 20,30370
01/07/2016 0.26 13.40 1h30m26s 8°48'22" 75°25'43" 0,999 20,19171
08/07/2016 23.55 13.13 1h30m58s 8°51'20" 81°57'46" 0,999 20,07627
15/07/2016 23.27 12.46 1h31m22s 8°53'27" 88°32'06" 0,999 19,95896
22/07/2016 23.00 12.19 1h31m37s 8°54'43" 95°08'53" 0,999 19,84135
29/07/2016 22.32 11.51 1h31m43s 8°55'05" 101°48'36" 0,999 19,72495
05/08/2016 22.05 11.24 1h31m40s 8°54'36" 108°31'31" 0,999 19,61133
12/08/2016 21.37 10.56 1h31m27s 8°53'14" 115°17'32" 0,999 19,50220
19/08/2016 21.10 10.28 1h31m07s 8°51'02" 122°06'35" 1,000 19,39915
26/08/2016 20.42 10.00 1h30m38s 8°48'03" 128°58'58" 1,000 19,30362
02/09/2016 20.14 9.31 1h30m01s 8°44'20" 135°54'50" 1,000 19,21705
09/09/2016 19.46 9.03 1h29m17s 8°39'55" 142°53'53" 1,000 19,14091
16/09/2016 19.18 8.34 1h28m27s 8°34'56" 149°55'49" 1,000 19,07641
23/09/2016 18.50 8.05 1h27m32s 8°29'27" 157°00'35" 1,000 19,02455
30/09/2016 18.22 7.36 1h26m33s 8°23'35" 164°08'08" 1,000 18,98623
07/10/2016 17.53 7.07 1h25m30s 8°17'26" 171°17'47" 1,000 18,96225
14/10/2016 17.25 6.38 1h24m26s 8°11'10" 178°23'28" 1,000 18,95304
21/10/2016 16.57 6.09 1h23m22s 8°04'52" 174°12'44" 1,000 18,95876
28/10/2016 16.29 5.40 1h22m19s 7°58'42" 166°58'35" 1,000 18,97942
04/11/2016 16.01 5.11 1h21m18s 7°52'47" 159°42'33" 1,000 19,01483
11/11/2016 15.33 4.43 1h20m21s 7°47'15" 152°25'59" 1,000 19,06444
18/11/2016 15.05 4.14 1h19m29s 7°42'14" 145°09'26" 1,000 19,12738
25/11/2016 14.37 3.45 1h18m43s 7°37'49" 137°53'05" 1,000 19,20270
02/12/2016 14.09 3.17 1h18m04s 7°34'08" 130°37'18" 1,000 19,28929
09/12/2016 13.41 2.49 1h17m33s 7°31'15" 123°22'47" 1,000 19,38570
16/12/2016 13.13 2.21 1h17m10s 7°29'13" 116°09'58" 1,000 19,49030
23/12/2016 12.46 1.53 1h16m56s 7°28'07" 108°58'55" 0,999 19,60150
30/12/2016 12.18 1.25 1h16m52s 7°27'57" 101°49'51" 0,999 19,71760


Date Rise Set RA Dec Elongation Ill Fr DIST(AU)

01/01/2016 10.42 21.31 22h38m10s -9°28'15" 57°34'11" 1,000 30,47556
08/01/2016 10.15 21.05 22h38m49s -9°24'15" 50°36'40" 1,000 30,57395
15/01/2016 9.48 20.38 22h39m34s -9°19'47" 43°40'27" 1,000 30,66312
22/01/2016 9.21 20.12 22h40m22s -9°14'55" 36°45'51" 1,000 30,74179
29/01/2016 8.53 19.46 22h41m14s -9°09'43" 29°52'52" 1,000 30,80896
05/02/2016 8.27 19.19 22h42m08s -9°04'14" 23°01'19" 1,000 30,86375
12/02/2016 8.00 18.53 22h43m06s -8°58'32" 16°11'20" 1,000 30,90536
19/02/2016 7.33 18.27 22h44m04s -8°52'41" 9°23'31" 1,000 30,93325
26/02/2016 7.06 18.01 22h45m04s -8°46'46" 2°41'38" 1,000 30,94718
04/03/2016 6.39 17.35 22h46m04s -8°40'49" 4°15'39" 1,000 30,94705
11/03/2016 6.12 17.09 22h47m03s -8°34'55" 10°57'23" 1,000 30,93284
18/03/2016 5.45 16.42 22h48m02s -8°29'08" 17°39'50" 1,000 30,90480
25/03/2016 5.18 16.16 22h48m58s -8°23'32" 24°21'17" 1,000 30,86347
01/04/2016 4.51 15.50 22h49m53s -8°18'11" 31°01'53" 1,000 30,80948
08/04/2016 4.24 15.24 22h50m44s -8°13'09" 37°41'51" 1,000 30,74351
15/04/2016 3.57 14.57 22h51m32s -8°08'28" 44°21'06" 1,000 30,66651
22/04/2016 3.30 14.31 22h52m16s -8°04'12" 50°59'37" 1,000 30,57964
29/04/2016 3.03 14.04 22h52m56s -8°00'23" 57°37'47" 1,000 30,48410
06/05/2016 2.36 13.37 22h53m31s -7°57'04" 64°15'58" 1,000 30,38109
13/05/2016 2.08 13.10 22h54m01s -7°54'18" 70°54'14" 1,000 30,27204
20/05/2016 1.41 12.43 22h54m25s -7°52'05" 77°32'32" 1,000 30,15851
27/05/2016 1.14 12.16 22h54m44s -7°50'28" 84°11'12" 1,000 30,04203
03/06/2016 0.46 11.49 22h54m56s -7°49'27" 90°50'39" 1,000 29,92409
10/06/2016 0.19 11.22 22h55m03s -7°49'03" 97°30'59" 1,000 29,80633
17/06/2016 23.47 10.54 22h55m04s -7°49'16" 104°12'07" 1,000 29,69045
24/06/2016 23.20 10.27 22h54m59s -7°50'04" 110°54'15" 1,000 29,57803
01/07/2016 22.52 9.59 22h54m48s -7°51'28" 117°37'46" 1,000 29,47054
08/07/2016 22.25 9.31 22h54m32s -7°53'24" 124°22'49" 1,000 29,36956
15/07/2016 21.57 9.03 22h54m10s -7°55'52" 131°09'12" 1,000 29,27661
22/07/2016 21.29 8.35 22h53m43s -7°58'49" 137°56'57" 1,000 29,19299
29/07/2016 21.01 8.06 22h53m13s -8°02'10" 144°46'22" 1,000 29,11986
05/08/2016 20.33 7.38 22h52m38s -8°05'53" 151°37'32" 1,000 29,05838
12/08/2016 20.06 7.10 22h52m00s -8°09'54" 158°30'09" 1,000 29,00957
19/08/2016 19.38 6.41 22h51m20s -8°14'08" 165°23'56" 1,000 28,97414
26/08/2016 19.10 6.13 22h50m38s -8°18'31" 172°18'22" 1,000 28,95262
02/09/2016 18.42 5.44 22h49m55s -8°22'58" 178°53'11" 1,000 28,94545
09/09/2016 18.14 5.16 22h49m12s -8°27'23" 173°38'30" 1,000 28,95288
16/09/2016 17.46 4.47 22h48m30s -8°31'42" 166°40'27" 1,000 28,97481
23/09/2016 17.18 4.19 22h47m49s -8°35'51" 159°39'58" 1,000 29,01089
30/09/2016 16.50 3.50 22h47m10s -8°39'43" 152°38'00" 1,000 29,06074
07/10/2016 16.22 3.22 22h46m35s -8°43'16" 145°35'02" 1,000 29,12369
14/10/2016 15.54 2.53 22h46m03s -8°46'24" 138°31'33" 1,000 29,19878
21/10/2016 15.27 2.25 22h45m35s -8°49'05" 131°27'37" 1,000 29,28485
28/10/2016 14.59 1.57 22h45m13s -8°51'15" 124°23'12" 1,000 29,38070
04/11/2016 14.31 1.29 22h44m56s -8°52'51" 117°18'32" 1,000 29,48496
11/11/2016 14.04 1.02 22h44m44s -8°53'51" 110°14'05" 1,000 29,59596
18/11/2016 13.36 0.34 22h44m39s -8°54'14" 103°09'59" 1,000 29,71202
25/11/2016 13.08 0.06 22h44m40s -8°53'59" 96°06'10" 1,000 29,83146
02/12/2016 12.41 23.35 22h44m47s -8°53'06" 89°02'47" 1,000 29,95253
09/12/2016 12.14 23.08 22h45m01s -8°51'34" 82°00'14" 1,000 30,07332
16/12/2016 11.46 22.41 22h45m21s -8°49'26" 74°58'46" 1,000 30,19203
23/12/2016 11.19 22.14 22h45m47s -8°46'41" 67°58'16" 1,000 30,30697
30/12/2016 10.52 21.47 22h46m18s -8°43'23" 60°58'45" 1,000 30,41650


Date Rise Set RA Dec Elongation Ill Fr DIST(AU)

01/01/2016 7.59 17.08 19h04m34s -21°00'22" 5°18'19" 1,000 33,99301
08/01/2016 7.32 16.42 19h05m36s -20°59'25" 2°24'54" 1,000 34,00083
15/01/2016 7.06 16.15 19h06m38s -20°58'24" 8°51'44" 1,000 33,99423
22/01/2016 6.39 15.49 19h07m39s -20°57'21" 15°41'17" 1,000 33,97340
29/01/2016 6.13 15.22 19h08m38s -20°56'17" 22°32'51" 1,000 33,93880
05/02/2016 5.46 14.56 19h09m36s -20°55'13" 29°25'03" 1,000 33,89094
12/02/2016 5.19 14.29 19h10m30s -20°54'12" 36°17'26" 1,000 33,83050
19/02/2016 4.52 14.03 19h11m20s -20°53'13" 43°09'35" 1,000 33,75849
26/02/2016 4.26 13.36 19h12m06s -20°52'19" 50°01'24" 1,000 33,67608
04/03/2016 3.59 13.09 19h12m48s -20°51'31" 56°53'07" 1,000 33,58447
11/03/2016 3.32 12.42 19h13m24s -20°50'51" 63°44'45" 1,000 33,48497
18/03/2016 3.05 12.15 19h13m55s -20°50'18" 70°36'03" 1,000 33,37914
25/03/2016 2.38 11.48 19h14m20s -20°49'56" 77°26'56" 1,000 33,26863
01/04/2016 2.10 11.21 19h14m39s -20°49'43" 84°17'40" 1,000 33,15500
08/04/2016 1.43 10.54 19h14m52s -20°49'42" 91°08'24" 1,000 33,03990
15/04/2016 1.16 10.26 19h14m58s -20°49'52" 97°58'56" 1,000 32,92509
22/04/2016 0.48 9.59 19h14m58s -20°50'14" 104°49'09" 1,000 32,81233
29/04/2016 0.21 9.31 19h14m52s -20°50'48" 111°39'16" 1,000 32,70321
06/05/2016 23.49 9.03 19h14m40s -20°51'34" 118°29'31" 1,000 32,59930
13/05/2016 23.21 8.35 19h14m22s -20°52'31" 125°19'45" 1,000 32,50222
20/05/2016 22.53 8.07 19h13m59s -20°53'38" 132°09'47" 1,000 32,41345
27/05/2016 22.26 7.39 19h13m31s -20°54'56" 138°59'43" 1,000 32,33425
03/06/2016 21.58 7.11 19h12m59s -20°56'23" 145°49'50" 1,000 32,26576
10/06/2016 21.30 6.43 19h12m23s -20°57'59" 152°39'58" 1,000 32,20911
17/06/2016 21.02 6.15 19h11m44s -20°59'41" 159°29'44" 1,000 32,16521
24/06/2016 20.33 5.46 19h11m03s -21°01'28" 166°18'47" 1,000 32,13466
01/07/2016 20.05 5.18 19h10m20s -21°03'20" 173°05'20" 1,000 32,11793
08/07/2016 19.37 4.50 19h09m36s -21°05'15" 178°37'36" 1,000 32,11543
15/07/2016 19.09 4.21 19h08m52s -21°07'11" 172°56'36" 1,000 32,12727
22/07/2016 18.41 3.53 19h08m09s -21°09'08" 166°09'49" 1,000 32,15326
29/07/2016 18.13 3.24 19h07m28s -21°11'03" 159°20'13" 1,000 32,19308
05/08/2016 17.45 2.56 19h06m49s -21°12'55" 152°29'42" 1,000 32,24634
12/08/2016 17.17 2.28 19h06m13s -21°14'44" 145°38'55" 1,000 32,31232
19/08/2016 16.49 2.00 19h05m41s -21°16'28" 138°48'07" 1,000 32,39006
26/08/2016 16.21 1.31 19h05m13s -21°18'05" 131°57'07" 1,000 32,47854
02/09/2016 15.54 1.03 19h04m50s -21°19'36" 125°05'47" 1,000 32,57664
09/09/2016 15.26 0.36 19h04m32s -21°20'59" 118°14'20" 1,000 32,68300
16/09/2016 14.58 0.08 19h04m20s -21°22'14" 111°22'57" 1,000 32,79609
23/09/2016 14.31 23.36 19h04m14s -21°23'19" 104°31'26" 1,000 32,91438
30/09/2016 14.03 23.08 19h04m15s -21°24'15" 97°39'34" 1,000 33,03632
07/10/2016 13.36 22.41 19h04m21s -21°25'01" 90°47'28" 1,000 33,16020
14/10/2016 13.09 22.14 19h04m34s -21°25'37" 83°55'23" 1,000 33,28422
21/10/2016 12.41 21.46 19h04m54s -21°26'02" 77°03'11" 1,000 33,40672
28/10/2016 12.14 21.19 19h05m19s -21°26'17" 70°10'36" 1,000 33,52606
04/11/2016 11.47 20.52 19h05m50s -21°26'21" 63°17'43" 1,000 33,64055
11/11/2016 11.21 20.25 19h06m27s -21°26'15" 56°24'47" 1,000 33,74854
18/11/2016 10.54 19.59 19h07m09s -21°25'59" 49°31'49" 1,000 33,84856
25/11/2016 10.27 19.32 19h07m56s -21°25'33" 42°38'34" 1,000 33,93932
02/12/2016 10.00 19.05 19h08m46s -21°24'58" 35°45'03" 1,000 34,01951
09/12/2016 9.33 18.39 19h09m40s -21°24'15" 28°51'34" 1,000 34,08797
16/12/2016 9.07 18.12 19h10m37s -21°23'24" 21°58'19" 1,000 34,14382
23/12/2016 8.40 17.46 19h11m37s -21°22'26" 15°05'16" 1,000 34,18638
30/12/2016 8.14 17.19 19h12m38s -21°21'23" 8°13'05" 1,000 34,21505

Planet Apsides Report for 2016

04/01/2016 Perihelion Distance from Sun: 0,98 AU
04/07/2016 Aphelion Distance from Sun: 1,02 AU

08/01/2016 Perihelion Distance from Sun: 0,31 AU
05/04/2016 Perihelion Distance from Sun: 0,31 AU
02/07/2016 Perihelion Distance from Sun: 0,31 AU
28/09/2016 Perihelion Distance from Sun: 0,31 AU
25/12/2016 Perihelion Distance from Sun: 0,31 AU
21/02/2016 Aphelion Distance from Sun: 0,47 AU
19/05/2016 Aphelion Distance from Sun: 0,47 AU
15/08/2016 Aphelion Distance from Sun: 0,47 AU
11/11/2016 Aphelion Distance from Sun: 0,47 AU

11/07/2016 Perihelion Distance from Sun: 0,72 AU
20/03/2016 Aphelion Distance from Sun: 0,73 AU
31/10/2016 Aphelion Distance from Sun: 0,73 AU

29/10/2016 Perihelion Distance from Sun: 1,38 AU

No Apsis

No Apsis

Planet Conjunction/Opposition Report for 01/01/2016 to 31/12/2016


Date Hour Event

15/01/2016 0 Inferior Conjunction
24/03/2016 0 Superior Conjunction
10/05/2016 0 Inferior Conjunction
07/07/2016 3 Superior Conjunction
13/09/2016 0 Inferior Conjunction
28/10/2016 0 Superior Conjunction
29/12/2016 0 Inferior Conjunction


Date Hour Event

07/06/2016 0 Superior Conjunction (Occultation)


Date Hour Event

22/05/2016 12 Opposition


Date Hour Event

26/09/2016 7 Conjunction
08/03/2016 10 Opposition


Date Hour Event

10/12/2016 10 Conjunction
03/06/2016 6 Opposition


Date Hour Event

10/04/2016 0 Conjunction
15/10/2016 12 Opposition


Date Hour Event

29/02/2016 0 Conjunction
03/09/2016 0 Opposition


Date Hour Event

06/01/2016 3 Conjunction
08/07/2016 0 Opposition

Planet Data Report

Planet Mean Dist Period of Inclination Equatorial
From Sun Revolution Diameter
(AU) (km)

Mercury 0,39 88 days 7° 4880
Venus 0,72 224,7 days 3,4° 12100
Earth 1,00 365,24 days 0° 12756
Mars 1,52 687 days 1,9° 6794
Jupiter 5,20 11,86 years 1,3° 143200
Saturn 9,54 29,46 years 2,5° 120000
Uranus 19,18 84 years 0,8° 52290
Neptune 30,06 165 years 1,8° 50450
Pluto 39,44 248 years 17,2° 2200-2300

Moon Apsides Report for 01/01/2016 to 31/12/2016

Date Hour Apsis Distance (km) Diameter

02/01/2016 13 Apogee 404280 0,4926°
15/01/2016 3 Perigee 369634 0,5388°
30/01/2016 10 Apogee 404549 0,4923°
11/02/2016 4 Perigee 364364 0,5466°
27/02/2016 4 Apogee 405376 0,4913°
10/03/2016 8 Perigee 359516 0,5540°
25/03/2016 15 Apogee 406135 0,4904°
07/04/2016 18 Perigee 357170 0,5576°
21/04/2016 17 Apogee 406341 0,4901°
06/05/2016 5 Perigee 357836 0,5566°
18/05/2016 23 Apogee 405925 0,4906°
03/06/2016 12 Perigee 361152 0,5514°
15/06/2016 13 Apogee 405038 0,4917°
01/07/2016 8 Perigee 365993 0,5442°
13/07/2016 6 Apogee 404280 0,4926°
27/07/2016 13 Perigee 369654 0,5388°
10/08/2016 1 Apogee 404269 0,4926°
22/08/2016 2 Perigee 367048 0,5426°
06/09/2016 20 Apogee 405070 0,4917°
18/09/2016 18 Perigee 361889 0,5503°
04/10/2016 12 Apogee 406108 0,4904°
17/10/2016 1 Perigee 357864 0,5565°
31/10/2016 21 Apogee 406666 0,4897°
14/11/2016 12 Perigee 356536 0,5586°
27/11/2016 21 Apogee 406549 0,4899°
13/12/2016 0 Perigee 358485 0,5556°
25/12/2016 7 Apogee 405858 0,4907°

Moon Nodes Report for 01/01/2016 to 31/12/2016

Date Time Node Illuminated Fraction

14/01/2016 16.47 Descending 0,25
28/01/2016 0.57 Ascending 0,85
10/02/2016 21.45 Descending 0,07
24/02/2016 7.09 Ascending 0,98
09/03/2016 7.30 Descending 0,00
22/03/2016 13.58 Ascending 0,99
05/04/2016 18.26 Descending 0,04
18/04/2016 19.03 Ascending 0,90
03/05/2016 2.26 Descending 0,19
15/05/2016 21.38 Ascending 0,71
30/05/2016 5.44 Descending 0,42
11/06/2016 23.19 Ascending 0,47
26/06/2016 6.27 Descending 0,67
09/07/2016 2.41 Ascending 0,23
23/07/2016 8.48 Descending 0,87
05/08/2016 8.47 Ascending 0,07
19/08/2016 15.14 Descending 0,98
01/09/2016 16.26 Ascending 0,00
16/09/2016 0.54 Descending 0,99
28/09/2016 23.05 Ascending 0,04
13/10/2016 10.42 Descending 0,90
26/10/2016 2.44 Ascending 0,19
09/11/2016 16.56 Descending 0,70
22/11/2016 3.48 Ascending 0,42
06/12/2016 18.34 Descending 0,44
19/12/2016 5.45 Ascending 0,68

Meteor Showers Report for 01/01/2016 to 31/12/2016

Date Meteor Shower ZHR RA DEC Illum. Frac. Longitude

05/01/2016 Quadrantids 80 15h28m 50° 0,25 284°
12/04/2016 Virginids 5 14h04m -9° 0,28 22°
22/04/2016 Lyrids 12 18h08m 32° 1,00 32°
28/04/2016 alpha-Scorpiids 5 16h32m -24° 0,71 38°
05/05/2016 eta-Aquarids 35 22h20m -1° 0,05 45°
13/05/2016 alpha-Scorpiids 5 16h04m -24° 0,43 52°
10/06/2016 Ophiuchids 5 17h56m -23° 0,28 79°
20/06/2016 Ophiuchids 5 17h20m -20° 1,00 89°
08/07/2016 Capricornids 5 0,15 106°
15/07/2016 Capricornids 5 20h44m -15° 0,77 113°
21/07/2016 alpha-Cygnids 5 21h00m 48° 0,99 118°
26/07/2016 Capricornids 5 21h00m -15° 0,61 123°
29/07/2016 delta-Aquarids 20 22h36m -17° 0,27 126°
31/07/2016 Piscis Australids 5 22h40m -30° 0,10 128°
02/08/2016 alpha-Capricornids 5 20h36m -10° 0,01 130°
06/08/2016 iota-Aquarids 8 22h10m -15° 0,11 134°
13/08/2016 Perseids 75 3h04m 58° 0,71 140°
21/08/2016 alpha-Cygnids 5 21h00m 48° 0,91 148°
08/09/2016 Piscids 10 0h36m 7° 0,36 166°
21/09/2016 Piscids 5 0h24m 0° 0,76 178°
13/10/2016 Piscids ?? 1h44m 14° 0,87 200°
22/10/2016 Orionids 25 6h24m 15° 0,58 209°
03/11/2016 Taurids 8 3h44m 14° 0,10 221°
18/11/2016 Leonids 10 10h08m 22° 0,83 236°
09/12/2016 Puppids-Velids 15 9h00m -48° 0,68 257°
14/12/2016 Geminids 75 7h28m 32° 1,00 262°
23/12/2016 Ursids 5 14h28m 78° 0,32 271°
26/12/2016 Puppids-Velids 15 9h20m -65° 0,10 274°

Twilight Report for 01/01/2016 to 31/12/2016

Date Sun Astronomical Nautical Civil
Rise Set Begin End Begin End Begin End

01/01/2016 7.47 16.42 5.57 18.32 6.32 17.57 7.09 17.20
08/01/2016 7.47 16.49 5.57 18.38 6.32 18.03 7.09 17.27
15/01/2016 7.44 16.57 5.56 18.45 6.31 18.10 7.07 17.35
22/01/2016 7.40 17.06 5.53 18.53 6.27 18.18 7.03 17.43
29/01/2016 7.34 17.15 5.48 19.01 6.22 18.27 6.57 17.52
05/02/2016 7.26 17.25 5.42 19.09 6.16 18.35 6.50 18.01
12/02/2016 7.16 17.35 5.34 19.18 6.07 18.44 6.41 18.10
19/02/2016 7.06 17.45 5.24 19.26 5.58 18.53 6.32 18.19
26/02/2016 6.55 17.54 5.14 19.35 5.47 19.02 6.21 18.28
04/03/2016 6.43 18.04 5.02 19.44 5.36 19.11 6.09 18.37
11/03/2016 6.30 18.13 4.49 19.54 5.23 19.20 5.57 18.46
18/03/2016 6.18 18.21 4.36 20.03 5.10 19.29 5.44 18.55
25/03/2016 6.05 18.30 4.21 20.14 4.57 19.38 5.31 19.04
01/04/2016 5.52 18.39 4.07 20.24 4.43 19.48 5.18 19.13
08/04/2016 5.39 18.48 3.51 20.35 4.29 19.58 5.05 19.22
15/04/2016 5.27 18.56 3.36 20.47 4.15 20.08 4.52 19.31
22/04/2016 5.15 19.05 3.21 20.59 4.02 20.18 4.39 19.41
29/04/2016 5.04 19.13 3.05 21.12 3.49 20.29 4.28 19.50
06/05/2016 4.55 19.22 2.50 21.26 3.36 20.40 4.17 19.59
13/05/2016 4.46 19.30 2.36 21.40 3.25 20.51 4.07 20.09
20/05/2016 4.39 19.38 2.23 21.53 3.15 21.01 3.59 20.17
27/05/2016 4.33 19.44 2.11 22.06 3.07 21.11 3.52 20.25
03/06/2016 4.29 19.50 2.02 22.17 3.01 21.19 3.47 20.32
10/06/2016 4.27 19.55 1.56 22.26 2.57 21.25 3.45 20.37
17/06/2016 4.26 19.58 1.53 22.32 2.56 21.29 3.44 20.41
24/06/2016 4.28 20.00 1.54 22.33 2.57 21.30 3.45 20.42
01/07/2016 4.31 19.59 2.00 22.30 3.01 21.29 3.49 20.41
08/07/2016 4.35 19.57 2.09 22.24 3.07 21.25 3.54 20.38
15/07/2016 4.41 19.53 2.20 22.14 3.15 21.19 4.01 20.33
22/07/2016 4.48 19.47 2.32 22.03 3.24 21.10 4.08 20.27
29/07/2016 4.55 19.39 2.45 21.49 3.34 21.00 4.16 20.18
05/08/2016 5.03 19.31 2.59 21.35 3.45 20.49 4.25 20.08
12/08/2016 5.11 19.21 3.12 21.20 3.55 20.36 4.34 19.57
19/08/2016 5.19 19.09 3.24 21.04 4.05 20.23 4.43 19.45
26/08/2016 5.27 18.58 3.36 20.49 4.15 20.09 4.52 19.33
02/09/2016 5.35 18.45 3.47 20.33 4.25 19.56 5.01 19.20
09/09/2016 5.43 18.32 3.58 20.18 4.35 19.41 5.09 19.07
16/09/2016 5.52 18.19 4.08 20.03 4.44 19.27 5.18 18.53
23/09/2016 6.00 18.06 4.18 19.48 4.52 19.14 5.26 18.40
30/09/2016 6.08 17.53 4.27 19.35 5.01 19.00 5.35 18.27
07/10/2016 6.17 17.41 4.36 19.21 5.09 18.48 5.43 18.14
14/10/2016 6.25 17.28 4.44 19.09 5.18 18.36 5.51 18.02
21/10/2016 6.34 17.17 4.53 18.58 5.26 18.25 6.00 17.51
28/10/2016 6.43 17.06 5.01 18.48 5.35 18.15 6.09 17.41
04/11/2016 6.53 16.56 5.09 18.40 5.43 18.06 6.17 17.32
11/11/2016 7.02 16.48 5.17 18.33 5.51 17.59 6.26 17.24
18/11/2016 7.12 16.41 5.25 18.27 5.59 17.53 6.35 17.18
25/11/2016 7.20 16.36 5.32 18.24 6.07 17.49 6.43 17.13
02/12/2016 7.29 16.33 5.39 18.22 6.14 17.47 6.50 17.11
09/12/2016 7.36 16.32 5.45 18.22 6.21 17.47 6.57 17.10
16/12/2016 7.41 16.33 5.50 18.23 6.26 17.48 7.02 17.11
23/12/2016 7.45 16.36 5.54 18.27 6.30 17.51 7.06 17.15
30/12/2016 7.47 16.41 5.57 18.31 6.32 17.56 7.08 17.19

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